Friday, June 15, 2012
Kingdom Animalia
Friday, April 6, 2012
Morphik Design Contest
Expression Through Art Contest
Morphik started with idea that everyone should have the opportunity to experience and express his or her self through art. The Expression Through Art Contest gives you a chance to do just that! The contest kicks off with Morphik’s featured artist Nathan Ota. We want you to choose an artwork by Nathan and accompanying band style that best represents you! For your chance to win, tell us what aspects of the artwork first appealed to you? What do you like most about it? What is something new that you learned about Nathan and his art after visiting the website? And how does the artwork most express you, your interests and personal style? The most ‘expressive’ answer wins a bracelet featuring the artwork and band of choice. Second place wins the artwork of choice. Third place wins a $50 gift certificate.
Send your answer to And we would love for you to share your thoughts on our facebook wall. The contest ends 12AM this sunday night.
Also check out other cool artist at